
Quiver representations and quiver varieties [monographie]

Auteur(s): Kirillov, Aleksandr A. (1967-....)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Graduate studies in mathematics, n° 174
Editeur, date d'édition: American Mathematical Society, 2016
Ville(s) d'édition: Providence, Rhode Island (US)
ISBN: 978-1-4704-2307-0
ISSN: 1065-7339
Classification MSC: 16G20
Notes: xii ; fig. ; bibliogr. pp. 285-292 ; index pp. 293-295 ; 26 cm ; 295 p.
Thèmes: directed graphs, representations of graphs, graph theory, graphes orientes, representations de graphes, theorie des graphes

08.7 KIR 16Disponible