
An algorithmic approach to nonlinear analysis and optimization [monographie]

Auteur(s): Beltrami, Edward J.
Langue: anglais
Collection: Mathematics in science and engineering, n° 63
Editeur, date d'édition: Academic Press, 1970
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US), London (GB)
ISBN: 0-12-085560-7
ISSN: 0076-5392
Classification MSC: 65.30 (2000)
Notes: xiv ; appendix pp. 204-228 ; bibliogr. pp. 229-230 ; index pp. 231-235 ; 23 cm ; 235 p.
Thèmes: analyse fonctionnelle, mathematical optimization, programmation non lineaire, functional analysis, optimisation mathematique, nonlinear programming

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