1281 - Logique mathématique. 2 : fonctions récursives, théorème de Gödel, théorie des ensembles, théorie des modèles |
1282 - Logistic regression using SAS : theory and applications - Second edition |
1283 - Low-dimensional geometry : from Euclidean surfaces to hyperbolic knots |
1284 - Machine learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn |
1285 - Making transcendence transparent : an intuitive approach to classical transcendental number theory |
1286 - Manifold theory : An introduction for mathematical physicists |
1287 - Manifolds, tensor analysis, and applications |
1288 - Manifolds, tensor analysis, and applications - Second edition |
1289 - Markov processes : characterization and convergence |
1290 - Markov processes : characterization and convergence |