
Applications of bifurcation theory : proceedings of an advanced seminar conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin--Madison, October 27-29, 1976 [monographie]

Auteur(s): Rabinowitz, Paul H. (1939-....) (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Publication of the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, n° 38
Editeur, date d'édition: Academic Press, 1977
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US)
Congrés: Applications of bifurcation theory (1976)
Wisconsin (US)
ISBN: 0-12-574250-9
ISSN: 0273-4559
Classification MSC: 69-00 (2000)
Notes: ix ; fig. ; notes bibliogr. ; 23 cm ; 389 p.
Thèmes: theorie de la bifurcation, equations differentielles non lineaires, congres, numerical solutions, bifurcation theory

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