
Stationary and related stochastic processes : Sample function properties and their applications [monographie]

Auteur(s): Cramer, Harald (1893-1985)
Leadbetter, M. Ross
Langue: anglais
Collection: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics : Tracts on probability and statistics
Editeur, date d'édition: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1967
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US), London (GB), Sydney (AU)
ISSN: 0271-6232
Classification MSC: 60.50 (2000)
Notes: xii ; fig. ; bibliogr. pp. 339-344 ; index pp. 345-348 ; 23 cm (Autre tirage : 1968) ; 348 p.
Thèmes: stochastic processes, detection, fiabilite, processus stochastiques, probabilites, processus stationnaires, stationary processes

70.5 CRA 67Disponible
70.5 CRA 67Disponible